let me go.
i got so much to say.
but i don't know where to start.
oh screw shit.
i don't appreciate what you did last night.
at one in the fucking morning.
i don't bloody hell care if you get into trouble.
you want to know that reason?
well let me tell you.
i want you to move on.
and get out of my life.
i've supposrted you these past years.
no matter what you've done for me,
i've stuck by you.
and its become too much for me to take.
it has.
i've wanted to do this for so long.
but the guilt trip your sister constantly placed on me kept me here until now.
but my shoulders are heavy.
from the weight of us both.
i can't do this anymore.
you have to do this with someone else.
i cannot keep up with you.
i'm getting tired.
i'm sorry sam.
i really am.
but stand on your own two feet.
stop being spoilt.
stop being pampered.
you can't have everything you want.
i can't give you anything anymore sam.
nothing left.
its not going to be fine.
its not going to be alright.
and i'm sorry for it.
but i have to do this.
if you care.
you would know.
if you care.
you would let me do this.
so please.
let me do this.
i know what i am to you.
even after so long.
its just this.
a replacement.
when you have no one else.
i fill in for them.
i'm nothing to you.
i'm getting tired of trying.
i'll just give up.
i don't know why i still respect you.
but even if you died.
maybe i'll simply feel indifferent.
you never played a part as a parent.
you're not a part of my life.
you've caused me more harm than anyone had.
screw you.
you've never lifted a finger to help.
you were never around.
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